Man, oh man is this a busy month for me. Not only is my second book Leaving Houma releasing on August 15th, but I am gearing up for back to school for my kids. It's also 100 degrees outside making it miserable to do anything outside of an air-conditioned building. Cabin fever has set in again for my gang as we try to find things to do that do not involve us having to leave the house. It's like during winter when it's too cold to leave so we do the same thing. So here we are again only now, it's not snowing outside. Every year during the stormy blizzardy times I talk about how much I can't wait for summer to just get here already! And now I am whining about how I can't wait for winter to get here and dump a foot of snow on the ground. Life is like that sometimes. Okay, maybe a lot of the time. We aren't content with what we have and forget to just be in the moment and appreciate it for what it is. So, I guess what I'm saying is, I will be happy that it's a million degrees outside instead of negative 35. Kinda.
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